At the top, take the right path to pick up a relic, then climb up to the ramp on the left. Squeeze through the gap at the end of the tunnel, then surface and climb out of the water. There are two trapped air pockets to help you through. The tunnel you’re swimming through is long, but it doesn’t branch, so you can’t get long. There’s a tunnel ahead and to the left of you. The other challenge tomb in the Hidden City of Paititi is on the eastern side of the city near the Temple of Kukulkan. Swan dive off the platform to collect one of the high dive challenges. Grab the document on your left, then head out onto the wooden platform. Turn to the right and squeeze back through the gap. This is the path we told you to ignore way up above. Swing over to the ledge on your left, then drop to the ground. Jump across the gap to the pickaxe-able wall, then rappel down. Creep along to the left until you run out of ledge. Climb the rock wall on your right up to the ledge. Ps4 shadow of the tomb raider walkthrough zip#
Use the rope pillars at the top to create a zip line, then cross it. Head all the way back down the hall, then climb the wooden wall. There’s a survival cache at the far end of the hall. Follow the hallway to the left and pick up the document along the way. The exit is on your right, but there are things to collect on the left. Head into the hallway from the platform on the left side of the room. Cross both poles on the left side to get to Mirror 4. Turn Mirror 2 to the left until it points at the first pole on the left side (leading to Mirror 4). Turn Mirror 1 to the right until it points at the pole closest to Mirror 4 (remember to use your Hunter’s Instinct). Turn Mirror 2 to the right to also point at the pole to Mirror 1. Turn Mirror 1 to the left to restore the path to Mirror 2 and cross it. Jump over to the pole, then cross all the way back to Mirror 1.
Jump to the pickaxe wall to the left of the pole, then climb up to ledge above. Turn Mirror 3 to the left until it points at the closest pole (the one you just crossed) and restore the path back to Mirror 1. When you move Mirror 3, the central platform will descend and block the beam from Mirror 2, so you’re trapped here for now. And that’s how you’re going to solve this puzzle - you’ll move a mirror away from the central platform toward one of the T-shaped poles, then move on to another mirror. For the T-shaped pillars between the mirrors, pointing a mirror at them will rotate them so you can cross them. For the large platform in the center, the mirrors are holding the platform up - which is what you’re trying to undo. The mechanic here is that when you point a light beam at the green collar on a pillar, it will turn. There’s a twist to this one, though - you’re not trying to point the light at a target, you’re trying to point it away from the center. You’re probably familiar with this puzzle’s gimmick: Use the mirrors to bounce beams of light around. Duck under the door to find this tomb’s puzzle. Head through the hallway that was ahead of you when you landed, and follow it to the left. Up the stairs behind you, there’s some gold offerings near the top. There’s another mural up the stairs to your left. Jump onto the pole, then swing across to the pickaxe wall. From the Temple of the Sun Base Camp, walk over to the opening in the wall to the right. Head back up to the top of the stairs and climb the broken ladder to find the Temple of the Sun base camp. Take the first right and go down the stairs to find a mural. Inside, walk forward and grab the document on your right. Jump across the gap and use the ledges to climb into the tomb. Continue along that way and you’ll see the tomb entrance above you on your left. When you run out of pickaxe wall, climb up and use the ledges to keep working left. From the ledge, drop down and use your pickaxes to continue working around to the left. You’re aiming for the ledge on the left, but it’s going to take a bit of momentum to get to it. Rappel down, then start running back and forth along the wall.
Use the ledge to work your way all the way around to the left, then jump to the other pickaxe-able wall.Pickaxe into the rock, then climb up to the ledge.
Jump forward and grapple swing over to the wall ahead of you. You can ignore the path on your left for now.Eidos Montreal, Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix via Polygon